Wood Burning Fireplace Inserts – What Are Your Choices?
An outdoor fireplace is basically a building designed with brick, stone or copper in it, designed to have a heating element such as a gas, electric bill or coal etc, plus a hearth or fireplace made of wood. Fireplaces have been used over time for the unique, soothing ambiance that they create plus for heating a cold room. Modern fireplaces now range in size, depending largely on the style. In a traditional setting you will find a small square fireplace with an open face, while in a more modern setting you can find them in different shapes such as the oval shape, rectangle shape as well as the round shape.
There are many benefits of having an outdoor hearth or fireplace, one of which is the ability to heat your home. You could have a fireplace in your living room to provide a place where you could sit and relax with friends and family and maybe have a small meal outdoors on a chilly evening. This would be a great way to add warmth to your home without having to pay for an electric heater or any type of wood-burning fireplace. Plus if you want to have some family bonding time, having a small fireplace outside will allow you to stay warm while having conversations with friends and family, or just enjoying the warmth of the fire.
Another benefit of having a fireplace is the style. If you have a Victorian house, there are plenty of fireplace inserts available to enhance the look of the Victorian era. With a Victorian fireplace, you can get inserts with ornate, elaborate designs, or you could go for something more simple and sleek. Also, if you happen to live in a bungalow, you can get inserts with a log style firebox, a smaller fireplace, along with rustic fixtures, all in white or other whitewashed colors.
Fireplace chimneys come in many different styles as well. If you want an old-fashioned fireplace, you can still get one that is made of brass or copper, and it will most likely be fashioned like a potbelly. If you have an old-fashioned fireplace that needs a lot of upkeep, there are fireplaces made from cast iron. The most popular types of cast iron fireplaces have open vent chimneys, which allows smoke to be blown out easily and the air to be pulled into the chimney when needed.
An important consideration when choosing a fireplace insert is the material from which it is made. It is important to choose a product that will be able to withstand a lot of wear and use, especially if you have young children or pets. There are plenty of products out there that are made from stainless steel, which is very durable and attractive looking. Cast iron, sheet metal, aluminum, and sheet copper all make great materials for hearths because they are all very resistant to damage and they are very easy to maintain.
Propane is another popular option for a wood-burning fireplace. Propane is a natural gas that burns extremely hot. Propane fireplaces also burn a great deal more efficiently than traditional wood-burning fireplaces, which can be a huge benefit during those frigid winter months when you do not want to heat your home so much that you use up all the fuel you have bought just to heat your home. One thing you should note about propane is that it takes quite some time before you actually get a fire, even with a gas fireplace insert. Also, the noise from a propane fire is loud compared to those of a wood-burning fireplace, so if you are trying to block out noise to save on energy, propane may not be the best choice.